Kirrily Lowe

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Four Garments to Die For This Spring

Some basics in the Christian wardrobe seem to have gone out of fashion these days.

Perhaps the price is too high.

These garments cost the things we don't want to give up.

They cost your pride and sometimes your opinion.

These wardrobe items won't leave the shelf without you handing over impatience & selfish and noisy demands. They sometimes cost your own rights, your wounds and sometimes the right to argue your own case… a price not many are prepared to pay these days.

These items are exquisite and delicate, worn by those that value the rare qualities of virtue found in a follower of Jesus Christ.

It is almost impossible to pick up these wardrobe staples without believing in a higher power. Without believing someone is working on your behalf, fighting battles for you, correcting the injustice you choose not to fix with your own hands.

It is difficult to wear these rare qualities unless you are leaning heavily on the arm of your Savior. Walking through heavenly courts with him.

So, what are these wardrobe staples, and where do I find them?

They are found in the rich wardrobe of Ephesians 4:2:

As a prisoner of the Lord, I plead with you to walk holy, in a way that is suitable to your high rank, given to you in your divine calling. With tender humility and quiet patience, always demonstrate gentleness and generous love toward one another, especially toward those who may try your patience. Ephesians 4:1-2 TPT

These are 4 wardrobe items that will move sons and daughters of God through the chaos of the current season and into a rich harvest of beauty, wonder and grace.

Are we willing to pay the price? Are we ready to hand over the heavy garments of pride, impatience, selfish demands and control and lean heavily on the arms of our Saviour?

I know - these garments have a hefty price tag, but the beauty is otherworldly.

These are gowns that are beyond the beauty of anything created on the earth, gowns paid for the blood of heaven's son, gowns drenched in glory, light and grace.

These garments were created for you, to enhance and draw out the beauty within. They haven't just been created for the perfect size 8, the enneagram 9, or quieter personality types. They have been made for every believer that looks to Christ as their leader and Saviour. I know - it's hard to imagine that they are made for everyone, but that is the wonder and miracle of God's word and His Son.

So are you willing to pay the price in the Spring of 2021? The stores are still quite empty, with not many willing part with cost. But, when we do, we stand out from the crowd. The beauty of these gowns sets us apart and will move us through walls many are still banging their head against.

So, here are 4 gowns to die for in the Spring of 2021.

1. Tender Humility

2. Quiet Patience

3. Gentleness

4. Generous Love

Stunning right. Garments to die for – to die to self, selfish demands, impatience, harshness and pride. Pricey but exquisite and will take you through doors you've only dreamed of.

Dreaming and dressing with you this Spring.

Love Kirrily xx