‘Peace’ has been reprinted again!!
This is the second reprint of ‘Peace’ in The Invisible Tree Series. This book is an all-time favourite and one of the most fruitful books in the Invisible Tree Series ;).
I remember writing this book. The moment of revelation of Jesus as the Prince of Peace amid the storms surrounding me. And now 10 years, it seems that we need more peace than ever, and I am reminded of the enduring call to grow and abundance of peace, and all its fellow fruits in the orchard of my hearts.
May we become people where others can find sweet fruit to feed upon during troubled times.
With this in mind, here is a short piece of writing I wrote whilst on sabbatical earlier this year, reminding us that it may be time to increase the size of our fruit bowl:
A couple of years ago, while meandering through Eumundi Markets, Tim and I came across an enormous silver tray. We loved it - and I knew it would have to become a feature item in our home.
Having a family of 5, most corners of the house were full, so I contemplated how this stunning piece could fit and even be useful. Sitting on my kitchen bench was a small, grossly insufficient fruit bowl. So insufficient that the bench would often have two or three fruit bowls.
My house felt functional when an abundance of fresh fruit was available. And this small fruit ball on the kitchen bench was not cutting it. So, our new silver masterpiece soon became home to the abundance of fruit we loved to stock.
Our fruit bowl was receiving a significant upgrade!
Now I look upon that fruit bowl with satisfaction, except for, of course, when it is empty, or the fruit flies have come to visit.
And this fruit bowl also speaks to me about the constant upgrades necessary in my own
life to house the fruit of the Spirit. Life circumstances demand the enlargement of our
s oul to contain the sort of fruit that is pleasing to God and nourishing for others.
During our sabbatical this year, we have had 2 accidents and 2 surgeries in our home, and my fruit bowl needed enlargement!
My spirit needed to stretch to house love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. It was time to increase my fruit bowl.
Just a little bit of love was not enough, fair-weather peace and joy would not cut it. Patience and kindness was needed in increasing measure to tend to 2 patients needing extra tenderness and care. And goodness – I couldn’t escape it – I couldn’t choose to be bad even for a day. I needed more goodness, more faithfulness, and of course the Lord was patiently at work cultivating gentleness and self-control in the orchard of my heart. He is the great gardener of our hearts, the unfailing cultivater of all that is good…
And how good is a large fruit bowl / how many people can feed from it, and how abundant it looks.
I suspect the Lord is always at work to upgrade our internal fruit bowls.
Let’s cooperate with the upgrade and replace the small bowls in our soul with large platters that can feed others.
xx Kirrily Lowe
If you are passionate about growing this fruit of the spirit in your lives and children’s hearts, support this series and buy copies for your families and friends.
If you are passionate about growing this fruit of the spirit in your lives and children’s hearts, support this series and buy copies for your families and friends.