Kirrily Lowe

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A Prison Called Hope

There are some prisons we need to check in to in order to be free.

When tough times hit, we want to run. 

And even when we stand still, our emotions are running. 

Running down roads with dead ends, running to ghost towns with no life, running to prisons that imprison rather than free.

And I am learning that there are prisons to check ourselves in to that will set us free.

And there is this one prison I am checking myself in to in 2019.

A prison called HOPE.   A Fortress for the people of God.

My emotions try to perpetually break prison.  Trying to break out down roads called despair, hopelessness, despondency, frustration, anger, rebellion. We all have emotions that are on a mission to prison break.

They are familiar roads, roads that are a little too comfortable for my feet.  Roads I have inhabited, roads that promise the illusion of rest, but actually destroy.

Yet, they are dead end roads, dangerous roads, roads that lead to death rather than life.  Roads taken by too many travellers, roads over used, over crowded, and oh too familiar.

And I hear the cry of the prophets of old:

“Return to your fortress, you prisoners of hope. 

Even now I will restore twice as much to you.” Zechariah 9:12

And I speak to my run-away emotions – return to your fortress, you prisoners of hope.

There is a prison that will set you free.  A strong prison, a good prison, a safe prison, a prison that holds you in the unfailing promises of God.

A prison that holds us until God’s plans and promises come to pass.  There are prisons that will hold us whilst the King works a plan of restoration and redemption not visible to the untrained eye. 

There are prisons that will set you free.

I check myself in, a voluntary prisoner. 

A prisoner of hope. 

A prisoner of light.

A prisoner of purpose.

A prisoner waiting on the unfailing promises of my King.

Come, check yourself in to the Fortress of Hope with me in 2019.  In it is hidden the treasure your heart desires.

Kirrily Lowe xx