Kirrily Lowe

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Happy New Year & Happy New You!

We may be wearing clothes we have picked up from others. Sometimes it is a cloak of rejection or a garment of shame.  

Sometimes we pull on disappointment when prayers aren’t answered in the way we expect or as quickly as we imagined. Sometimes the length of the journey causes us to slip into weariness. Other times it is anger that has become an easy fit.

Many of us are shopping the sales looking to update our natural wardrobe. But I am here to remind you of the invitation to visit the word of God and update your spiritual wardrobe.

The New Year is an opportunity. An opportunity to put off and put on. An invitation to strip off the old and put on the new.

I hear the invitation, and I begin my wardrobe change.

The first garment I will be slipping off is weariness & disappointment. I am exchanging it for hope, expectation and appointment for the year ahead.  

The 2nd garment I will be stripping off is fear. This garment is popular. We think it is going to protect us, keep us safe. But this garment is deceptive. It is a bad fit for humanity. It hides us, suffocates us and cuts off the breath of life. I am casting off the garment of fear this year. 

In 2023 I will be wearing courage, boldness and faith.